Sunday, May 16, 2010

Top three reasons Jazz are down 2-0 to the Lakers

1: Boozer (if you need me to explain this then you have not been watching the Lakers series)

2: Amazing defensive schemes by Phil Jackson, one of only two coaches that have Coach Sloan's number.

2b: Amazing execution of Jacksons schemes by the Lakers players. It's not just their "length" (BTW if I here another person make excuses about how they are just so long, I think I might puke) the front line does a great job of forcing Deron to give the ball up, when this happens he actually does a fairly good job of getting it to the openman. The problem? The open man is typically the guy they are doubling off of. Which leads me to reason #3....

3: Lets pretend it's Novemeber again and we are watching the Jazz playthe Nets. If for some bizzaro reason both Fesenko was starting andKoufus was getting major minutes behind him and together they weregetting 24 minutes in that game, I would both laugh and spit in yourface. Now tell me that was the case in round 2 against would still laugh, then cry, then put my fist through your HDTV.

3b: Officiating. I am not as disturbed about the refs in this series as many of my fellow Jazz fans but the frustration continues to mount. Unfortunately, a rookie Mathews vs Kobe and Fes vs Anyone = no calls.

The good news? We still have chance in this series. I beleive that. Also, how about some great experience for our young guys. And there is now zero doubt in my mind that Millsap is the future and Boozer? Well, Boozer can get his shot blocked elsewhere and we can continue the quest for a championship.

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