Thursday, June 3, 2010

Random NBA Finals Thoughts

  • Who on the Celtics will guard Kobe? Ray Allen? No. Paul Peirce? Perhaps in spurts. There is nobody coming off the C's bench that can come close to guarding Kobe. Celtics will be missing James Posey this series.
  • Ray Allen could cement his HOF future with a good series. He cant guard Kobe but her can still shoot. One of the few 2 guards that is playing well this late in his career. My semi dark horse for finals MVP.
  • The Celtics bench is significantly better than the Lakers bench.
  • Shannon Brown is a better point guard than Fisher.
  • K. Perkins has major anger management issues, he is one tech away from being suspend a game which would kill the Celtics. They need him in there to battle the Lakers "length". I wish the Jazz had Perkins.
  • Home court does not matter in this series. Both teams are great on the road. I expect 7 hard fought games.
  • I find myself getting excited for this series.
  • I hate how often these teams have met in the Finals. I also love it. It seems as though there is a fundamental problem in a league where one team has appeared in the finals more than half the time.
  • I think that the Lakers will win in 7 games. But I really don't know. No one else does either.
  • Comparing Kobe to MJ is blasphemous, even if they win this series.
  • Gasol is an all-time great.
  • I wish the Jazz were still playing.


  1. I hate the Lakers. I hate two things about the Celtics. Have you noticed that the digital shorts are the only funny part about SNL?

  2. I hated how Lost ended. I hated how American Idol ended. This series will be no consolation for either.
